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Worry Less

Welcome to the start of your journey towards serenity.


Thanks for connecting with me to take a step towards soothing your anxiety.

I struggled for too long trying heaps of things to escape the feelings of excruciating anxiety.


I’m delighted to share my favourite practices, and work with you to help you feel free, soothed, and empowered without the burden of constant anxiety. I created a new state of mind, which created a different state of being, my reality is no longer pulled down or defined by anxiety.


This guide is designed to get you started with a clearer understanding of yourself, and some reliable, easy practices that will produce a life of more  calmness and confidence.

Don’t be fooled by the simple tips on offer. Just like healthy eating, you know what’s gonna give you optimal health, but you can easily get off track.

Soothe Your Anxiety Today


    Nelson Women's Networking

    New Zealand

    021 145 7162

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